Monday, May 7, 2007

a week of MikeFEST under the belt, as it were

Damien: something decidedly respectable, but:
Marf: 165
Shay: 172
Mike: 180

need I say more about the bowling?

Thanks again to the cranky bartendress at Punto Azúl for kicking us out at a respectable hour. Our eternal gratitude was reflected in the tip. And hey, Oh Canada! Go Canada! ...just kidding.

From the mail room:
Subject: MikeFEST
Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 13:04:01 -0400
Hi - I tried to post a Blog, but since I don't have an account, it didn't work. Here's my blog:

Sorry I won't be able to attend MikeFEST as I will be busy getting ready to fly North. I am thinking of protesting, rioting, contacting President Bush, etc., as I am the one mainly responsible for the original MikeFEST. However, I will celebrate the event quietly, unlike the first one. Say "hi" to all the "festers." Mom.

From: Matthew Gordon
Sent: 02 May 2007 19:33
To: Casey Gordon
Subject: RE: MikeFest is upon us!!!

that guy is special and then there's a mikerest. i like that too

This e-mail and the information it contains may be privileged and/or confidential. It is for the intended addressee(s) only. The unauthorised use, disclosure or copying of this e-mail or any information it contains is prohibited and could, in certain circumstances be a criminal offence. If you are not the intended recipient please notify us and delete this message from your system. Please note that we not enter into any form of contract by means of internet e-mail

And lastly:

Sorry, Ann, we will not be going to Bandito's that evening, but to:
It's a costume party, so bring a costume.


Almost too embarrassed by the name of the bar to post it. Obviously, so are they - they don't really have much of a sign. But it's by the Národní Třída tram stop across from Tesco - go inside and go downstairs - it's that easy.

And remember, tomorrow is an official state holiday for MikeFEST!

Tonight's super top secret VIP-only free entry MikeFEST password is:
čau vole


On the corner of Vlková and Krásová. If you don't know Shay, I feel sorry for you, but this could very well be your last chance to meet him.

Happy MikeFEST!


Anonymous said...

Ujezd? But that's across town. You give me two days to get a costume together, what the junk is that? Well can the passphrase still be Cupcake? Ann

mike said...

Sure cupcake. Anything you want. Martha's put a lot of relative effort into this. We were even going to have you picked up in a clown car, but that fell through. I thought you liked costume parties...

Anonymous said...

Ann especially likes to dress guys up as fruity pirates. Lovec