Saturday, May 5, 2007

cinco de mayo

Last night in the aptly named 'Vertigo', swirls and swarms of mikefesters danced and drank in a dizzying display of dyspeptic debauchery. To wit: Mr. and Mrs. Party Dave Schwank were there with a bevy of blond bombshells from Finland, post partem playboy bunnies pleased as punch to be in Prague.

Figurative capfeathers, as always, to John and Amanda for organizing another great MikeFEST event!

Schedule update: tomorrow's 'poker in the park' will have to be rescheduled due to inclement weather and the fact that most of the easy money is currently in Budapest.

Tonight's super top secret VIP free entry MikeFEST password is:

Happy MikeFEST!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo baby. happy mikefest, just listening to your podcast. EXCELLENT. See you on the tenth. Pls. keepme posted of any schedule changes. Happy MIKeFESt! A